Results for 'João Gabriel Paixão'

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  1.  8
    Alternative modernity in Martin Heidegger’s works.João Gabriel Paixão - 2024 - Griot 24 (2):141-155.
    This article intends not only to comment on Heidegger’s question of technology, but also to designate technics as the sign of the rationalization of the world. A confrontation is then required against the technical world, in which it is inscribed the whole history of western metaphysics. This tradition, with the arrival of the technology age, proves to be nihilist, and, as such, demands from Heidegger, especially in his Contributions to philosophy (of the Event), to overcome the whole western tradition into (...)
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    Deleuze: a Arte e a Filosofia.João Gabriel Alves Domingos - 2011 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 52 (123):251-257.
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    Levin, Susan. Plato’s rivalry with medicine: a struggle and its dissolution.João Gabriel Conque - 2017 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 11 (2):151.
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    The physiology of pleasure in Hippocratic medicine: models and reverberations.João Gabriel Conque - 2018 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 24:17-33.
    The main aims of this article are to demonstrate the presence of two physiological conceptions of pleasure in the Hippocratic Corpus, pointing out the differences between them and conjecturing about the reverberation of one of them in Plato’s dialogue Gorgias. We can find in texts of Greek medicine a description of pleasure produced during sexual intercourse and another related to the occurrence of pleasure during nourishment. However, the second account, unlike the first one, is strongly marked by the notion of (...)
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    O Bem Comum Como Elo Entre Ética e Política a Partir de Aristóteles e Hannah Arendt: Um Debate Atual e Necessário.João Gabriel Moraes de Souza - 2021 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 2 (4):88.
    O artigo tem o objetivo de debater o pensamento político de Hannah Arendt e sua interpretação da política no século XX, onde se destaca a retomada por parte da autora de um dos principais expoentes sobre tal tema, que foi o Filósofo da antiguidade clássica: Aristóteles, ele compreendia a ética indissociável da política, através do conceito de bem comum. Assim, o texto que se segue, busca levantar algumas questões sobre ética e política.
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    A doutrina de negação da vontade de Schopenhauer à luz do conceito kantiano de grandezas negativas.João Gabriel Coterli Hank - 2020 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 18 (1).
    O texto parte das considerações que Schopenhauer faz acerca do princípio de razão suficiente do agir na sua dissertação Sobre a quadrúplice raiz do princípio de razão suficiente e da negação da Vontade de vida nos §68-70 de O mundo como vontade e como representação; e como a conduta relacionada a este conceito pode ser observada ao longo da história, seja no cristianismo ou nas religiões indianas, mostrando como é possível chegar à tal conhecimento. Em seguida, aliado ao texto kantiano (...)
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    A novel variable neighborhood descent algorithm for service restoration in radial electrical distribution networks.Gabriel F. Puerta, Leonardo H. Macedo, João Soares & Rubén Romero - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper presents a variable neighborhood descent algorithm for the service restoration problem (SRP) in electrical distribution systems. The restoration problem appears when a permanent fault occurs in the system. The fault must be localized and isolated from the rest of the system. As a consequence of the isolation, the downstream area is de-energized and requires restoration. The variable neighborhood descent algorithm features its ability to solve the SRP for radial distribution systems and introduces a strategy that helps to deal (...)
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    Multi-Sensor Wearable Health Device Framework for Real-Time Monitoring of Elderly Patients Using a Mobile Application and High-Resolution Parameter Estimation.Gabriel P. M. Pinheiro, Ricardo K. Miranda, Bruno J. G. Praciano, Giovanni A. Santos, Fábio L. L. Mendonça, Elnaz Javidi, João Paulo Javidi da Costa & Rafael T. de Sousa - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Automatized scalable healthcare support solutions allow real-time 24/7 health monitoring of patients, prioritizing medical treatment according to health conditions, reducing medical appointments in clinics and hospitals, and enabling easy exchange of information among healthcare professionals. With recent health safety guidelines due to the COVID-19 pandemic, protecting the elderly has become imperative. However, state-of-the-art health wearable device platforms present limitations in hardware, parameter estimation algorithms, and software architecture. This paper proposes a complete framework for health systems composed of multi-sensor wearable health (...)
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    A quaestio mihi facto sum de Agostinho e as decorrentes considerações sobre identidade em Hannah Arendt.João Francisco Gabriel de Oliveira Filho - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (14):94-104.
    O trabalho proposto objetiva investigar alguns pontos referentes à narração e à interioridade nas Confissões de Agostinho à luz das considerações sobre a identidade em Hannah Arendt. Ao descobrir a vida interior individual, é possível dizer que Agostinho tenha sido o fundador do romance autobiográfico. É de se notar que a “questão que me tornei para mim mesmo”, retirada das Confissões, esse tipo de rememoração e autorreflexão religiosa, parece insolúvel tanto em seu sentido psicológico individual como em seu sentido filosófico (...)
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    Plato and Hermes in Mani’s Prophetology: a possible adaptation to the theurgical milieu.João Paulo Dantas & Gabriele Cornelli - 2022 - Filosofia Unisinos 23 (1):1-14.
    The aim of this article is to set forth conjectures that are likely to explain the inclusion of Plato and Hermes as heralds of Mani in the testimony of Ephrem of Syria. This incorporation should be set against the background of the Syrian religious milieu, which was influenced by both Hellenistic philosophy and Eastern religious traditions. Therefore, it would be better to seek a religious and philosophical environment wherein Plato and Hermes were associated. Keywords: Manichaeism, apocalypticism, theurgy, hermetism, Merkabah mysticism, (...)
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    Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia (ReFiLo): a mensageira santa-mariense da educação filosófica no Brasil.Anderson Luis da Paixão Café, Adelmária Ione dos Santos & Isna Gabriel Sia - forthcoming - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo.
    É bastante conhecida a interrogação do filósofo Immanuel Kant a respeito da possibilidade ou não de se ensinar filosofia. Partindo-se da premissa de que não é possível dissociar a filosofia de seu ensino, este artigo se propôs a responder a seguinte questão: de que maneira a Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia (ReFiLo) contribui para o debate e o fortalecimento da educação filosófica no Brasil? Para responder a esta pergunta, realizou-se uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, adotando-se a pesquisa (...)
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    Mechanism for Measuring System Complexity Applying Sensitivity Analysis.Viviane M. Gomes, Joao R. B. Paiva, Marcio R. C. Reis, Gabriel A. Wainer & Wesley P. Calixto - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-12.
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    Physical Activity Is Associated With Improved Eating Habits During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Diego G. D. Christofaro, André O. Werneck, William R. Tebar, Mara C. Lofrano-Prado, Joao Paulo Botero, Gabriel G. Cucato, Neal Malik, Marilia A. Correia, Raphael M. Ritti-Dias & Wagner L. Prado - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of this study was to analyze the association between physical activity and eating habits during the COVID-19 pandemic among Brazilian adults. A sample of 1,929 participants answered an online survey, however 1,874 were included in the analysis. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on eating habits was assessed inquiring about participants' intake of fruits, vegetables, fried foods, and sweets during the pandemic. Physical activity was assessed by asking participants about their weekly frequency, intensity and number of minutes/hours engaging (...)
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    Qualidade de vida em mulheres portadoras de HIV/Aids.Prisla Ücker Calvetti, Grazielly Rita Marques Giovelli, Clarissa Trevisan da Rosa, Gabriel José Chittó Gauer & João Feliz Moraes - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 38:25-38.
    O trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a qualidade de vida em mulheres portadoras de HIV/AIDS, em destaque as relações sociais e a sexualidade. Foram analisados também aspectos sociodemográficos e situação clínica (marcadores biológicos CD4+ e carga viral) de 63 mulheres entre 18 e 65 anos em uso ..
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    Entre a parábola e o conto: Jesus, um contador de histórias.Levi Fernandes Leonido da Silva, João Bartolomeu Rodrigues & Elsa Gabriel Morgado - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):300-314.
    Nesta investigação, propomo-nos demonstrar que Jesus foi um verdadeiro contador de histórias. A narrativa lucana conhecida tradicionalmente por parábola do Filho pródigo não é propriamente uma parábola, pois assume os contornos formais de um conto, podendo-se nela encontrar as caraterística centrais do género literário “o conto”. Nela encontramos propriedades configuradoras da sua individualização como género: a conclusão moralizante de uma história fechada, com princípio, meio e fim; a concentração de espaço, tempo e reduzido número de personagens; a curta extensão sintagmática, (...)
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    Reduction of Physical Activity Levels During the COVID-19 Pandemic Might Negatively Disturb Sleep Pattern.Tiego A. Diniz, Diego G. D. Christofaro, William R. Tebar, Gabriel G. Cucato, João Paulo Botero, Marilia Almeida Correia, Raphael M. Ritti-Dias, Mara C. Lofrano-Prado & Wagner L. Prado - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundThe outbreak of novel coronavirus disease 2019 has caused a global panic and public concern due to its mortality ratio and lack of treatments/vaccines. Reduced levels of physical activity have been reported during the outbreak, affecting the normal daily pattern.ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship of physical activity level with sleep quality and the effects of reduction physical activity levels on sleep quality.MethodsA Google form was used to address personal information, COVID-19 personal care, physical activity, and mental health of 1,907 adult volunteers. (...)
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    C. S. Lewis e uma crítica à educação promovedora de abolição do homem.João Batista Andrade Filho & Evanildo Costeski - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021022.
    This article aimed to highlight the reasons for a criticism by the Irish writer Clive Staples Lewis towards the direction of youth education in Europe, notably in the United Kingdom, in the 20th century. His criticism gained as his main thesis what the writer called “the abolition of man”, resulting from an educational system that promotes an alleged rationality that prevented the development of an intermediate element in the human being between the cerebral and the visceral. For Lewis, that intermediate (...)
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  18.  14
    Palimpsesto e as relações de gênero em Elvira Vigna: um recurso como crítica ao patriarcado em 'Como se estivéssemos em palimpsesto de putas'.Lucas Gabriel Soares - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):365-388.
    Este trabalho analisa a estrutura do romance Como se estivéssemos em palimpsesto de putas, de Elvira Vigna como também, as relações sexistas às quais as personagens estão submetidas. Retratados por meio de uma narradora não revelada, estratégia estética realçadora da invisibilização da mulher dentro da sociedade, os causos de João, um profissional cujo único prazer é o sexo com garotas de programa, servem de retrato da construção da masculinidade e da dimensão patriarcal. Utilizando-se do artifício do palimpsesto como crítica (...)
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    Esculpir em Argila - Albert Camus: uma estética da existência.Gabriel Ferreira da Silva - 2014 - Educ.
    A imagem do “esculpir em Argila” como modo de enfrentamento do absurdo, usada por Camus, serve de motto para Gabriel Ferreira da Silva apontar a resposta de Camus ao niilismo do absurdo e de sua falsa solução, o suicídio, tal como é abordado em O Mito de Sísifo. A passagem do “mito” à “revolta” de O Homem Revoltado indica a rota de sua ética da paixão. Esse ato estético de “esculpir”, numa matéria finita e frágil, o sentido possível (...)
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    Presentation – Inhabiting the Frontiers of Thought: The Contribution of Jesuit Philosophers to 20 th Century Philosophy.Andreas Gonçalves Lind, Bruno Nobre & João Carlos Onofre Pinto - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1249-1252.
    The contribution of Jesuits to the different fields of knowledge, including philosophy, is historically well known. In fact, since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in the 16th century, Jesuits from different generations and cultures have taken part in the philosophical debates of their time and their different contexts. Since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in 1540, the Jesuits, individually and as a body, have engaged in a fruitful dialogue between the Christian tradition and different dimensions of (...)
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  21. The Principles of Angelic Self-Knowledge. From Thomas Aquinas to João Poinsot.Simone Guidi - forthcoming - Medioevo e Rinascimento.
    This paper delves into a pivotal issue of scholastic angelology, the problem of angelic self-knowledge. It compares positions ranging from Thomas Aquinas’s to João Poinsot’s. I stress in particular what I dub ‘the problem of immanent knowledge in presence’, i.e. the problem of the actual, immanent and presential interplay between the angelic intellect and the angelic substance, which Aquinas sees as the rationale for angelic self-knowledge. I then discuss the perspectives of Cajetan and Vázquez, which revolve around the identity (...)
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  22. The return of the individual.Gabriel Segal - 1989 - Mind 98 (January):39-57.
  23.  48
    How animal agriculture stakeholders define, perceive, and are impacted by antimicrobial resistance: challenging the Wellcome Trust’s Reframing Resistance principles.Gabriel K. Innes, Agnes Markos, Kathryn R. Dalton, Caitlin A. Gould, Keeve E. Nachman, Jessica Fanzo, Anne Barnhill, Shannon Frattaroli & Meghan F. Davis - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):893-909.
    Humans, animals, and the environment face a universal crisis: antimicrobial resistance. Addressing AR and its multi-disciplinary causes across many sectors including in human and veterinary medicine remains underdeveloped. One barrier to AR efforts is an inconsistent process to incorporate the plenitude of stakeholders about what AR is and how to stifle its development and spread—especially stakeholders from the animal agriculture sector, one of the largest purchasers of antimicrobial drugs. In 2019, The Wellcome Trust released Reframing Resistance: How to communicate about (...)
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    The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism.Gabriel Gottlieb - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (6):1204-1213.
  25. Lamarck Philosophe.Gabriel Gohau - 2006 - In Pietro Corsi (ed.), Lamarck, Philosophe de la Nature. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 9--36.
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    Ethical Pricing: a Confucian Perspective.Gabriel Hong Zhe Wong - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (4):419-433.
    Based on an analysis of a landmark case Lim Mey Lee Susan v Singapore Medical Council in Singapore where a doctor was professionally disciplined for over-charging a wealthy patient, a judgement upheld by the Singapore High Court, this paper will discuss the notion of an ‘ethical price’ (EP) and its determination with respect to the provision of healthcare services. It will first examine the limitations of a legal approach for setting an ethical limit to pricing. From there, it will argue (...)
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  27.  76
    The Social as Heaven and Hell: Pierre Bourdieu's Philosophical Anthropology.Gabriel Peters - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (1):63-86.
    Many authors have argued that all studies of socially specific modalities of human action and experience depend on some form of “philosophical anthropology”, i.e. on a set of general assumptions about what human beings are like, assumptions without which the very diagnoses of the cultural and historical variability of concrete agents' practices would become impossible. Bourdieu was sensitive to that argument and, especially in the later phase of his career, attempted to make explicit how his historical-sociological investigations presupposed and, at (...)
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  28.  90
    A short argument from modal rationalism to fundamental scrutability.Gabriel Oak Rabin - 2020 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):137-139.
    Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    (1 other version)Corporate response to an ethical incident: the case of an energy company in New Zealand.Gabriel Eweje & Minyu Wu - 2010 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (4):379-392.
    The ethical behaviour and social responsibility of private companies, and in particular large corporations, is an important area of enquiry in contemporary social, economic and political thinking. In the past, a company's behaviour would be considered responsible as long as it stayed within the law of the society in which it operated or existed. Although this may be necessary, it is no longer sufficient. In this paper, we examine an energy company's response to an ethical incident in New Zealand which (...)
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    Hazardous Employment and Regulatory Regimes in the South African Mining Industry: Arguments for Corporate Ethics at Workplace.Gabriel Eweje - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (2):163-183.
    This study examines the ethical position and behaviour of multinational mining companies regarding hazardous employment and health and safety of employees in the South African mining industry. Mining companies have long had a reputation for being unethical on health and safety issues. Too often there are occurrences of fatal accidents, which bring the ethical behaviour of multinational mining companies into question. The litmus test for the mining companies is to devise benchmark standards that will reduce accidents tremendously at their place (...)
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  31.  15
    How genomic and developmental dynamics affect evolutionary processes.Gabriel Dover - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (12):1153-1159.
    Evolutionary genetics is concerned with natural selection and neutral drift, to the virtual exclusion of almost everything else. In its current focus on DNA variation, it reduces phenotypes to symbols. Varying phenotypes, however, are the units of evolution, and, if we want a comprehensive theory of evolution, we need to consider both the internal and external evolutionary forces that shape the development of phenotypes. Genetic systems are redundant, modular and subject to a variety of genomic mechanisms of “turnover” (transposition, gene (...)
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  32. Unfolding Emotions: The Language and Socialization of Anger in Madagascar.Gabriel Scheidecker - 2020 - In Sonya E. Pritzker, Janina Fenigsen & James MacLynn Wilce (eds.), The Routledge handbook of language and emotion. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
  33. Elusive Propositions.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (4):705-725.
    David Kaplan observed in Kaplan that the principle \\) cannot be verified at a world in a standard possible worlds model for a quantified bimodal propositional language. This raises a puzzle for certain interpretations of the operator Q: it seems that some proposition p is such that is not possible to query p, and p alone. On the other hand, Arthur Prior had observed in Prior that on pain of contradiction, ∀p is Q only if one true proposition is Q (...)
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    Taking someone else’s spatial perspective: Natural stance or effortful decentring?Gabriel Arnold, Charles Spence & Malika Auvray - 2016 - Cognition 148 (C):27-33.
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    Introspection during visual search.Gabriel Reyes & Jérôme Sackur - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 29:212-229.
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    Consciência em Franz Brentano.Gabriel Lemes Duarte - 2024 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 40 (2):1-18.
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    Oakeshott e a gênese do racionalismo moderno.Gabriel Ferreira - 2023 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 68 (1):e44546.
    O pensamento do filósofo britânico Michael Oakeshott é frequentemente recrutado no debate entre conservadorismo e posições progressistas, no qual algumas de suas distinções e explicitações são postas a serviço da crítica a determinados aspectos dessa última. Um de seus principais movimentos argumentativos consiste em apontar que posições políticas fundamentalmente revolucionárias pressupõem certa concepção de racionalidade que, por sua vez, estaria em desacordo com uma visão clássica acerca da faculdade intelectiva humana ao mesmo tempo em que privilegia tal concepção em relação (...)
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  38. Physicalism.Gabriel Rabin - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (3):562 - 566.
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Volume 89, Issue 3, Page 562-566, September 2011.
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    Presence and immortality.Gabriel Marcel - 1967 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University Press.
    My fundamental purpose (1937)--Metaphysical journal (1938-43)--Presence and immortality (1951)--The unfathomable, an unfinished play (March 1919).
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    The decline of wisdom.Gabriel Marcel - 1955 - New York: Philosophical Library.
  41. If-logic and truth-definition.Gabriel Sandu - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (2):143-164.
    In this paper we show that first-order languages extended with partially ordered connectives and partially ordered quantifiers define, under a certain interpretation, their own truth-predicate. The interpretation in question is in terms of games of imperfect information. This result is compared with those of Kripke and Feferman.
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    Walter Burleigh on the Conclusion that You are an Ass.Gabriel Nuchelmans - 1994 - Vivarium 32 (1):90-101.
  43. The Relation between Sovereignty and Guilt in Nietzsche's Genealogy.Gabriel Zamosc - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (S1):E107-e142.
    This paper interprets the relation between sovereignty and guilt in Nietzsche's Genealogy. I argue that, contrary to received opinion, Nietzsche was not opposed to the moral concept of guilt. I analyse Nietzsche's account of the emergence of the guilty conscience out of a pre-moral bad conscience. Drawing attention to Nietzsche's references to many different forms of conscience and analogizing to his account of punishment, I propose that we distinguish between the enduring and the fluid elements of a ‘conscience’, defining the (...)
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    Introduction: Peirce’s extended theory and classifications of signs.João Queiroz & Frederik Stjernfelt - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (228):1-2.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    A Semiotic Interpretation of the Innate Releasing Mechanism Concept and Other Ethological Triadic Relations.Gabriel Francescoli - 2017 - Biosemiotics 10 (3):461-468.
    This paper tries to link Ethology to Biosemiotics by analysing the similarities between some triadic relationships like biosemiotics’ Object—Representamen—Interpretant and the one established in Ethology between Sign-stimuli— Innate Releasing Mechanism—Modal Action Pattern, or the one potentially established in communication networks comprising Sender—Receiver—Eavesdropper. I argue here that a collaborative relationship is supported by the fact that the observational method used by Ethology is based on the triadic relationship Sender—Receiver—Eavesdropper. This method, by introducing the human observer at the Interpreter/Eavesdropper place, is not (...)
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    Tribal and Civic Codes of Behaviour in Lysias I.Gabriel Herman - 1993 - Classical Quarterly 43 (2):406-419.
    A reiteration of the main details of the case may be helpful. Euphiletus killed Eratosthenes and was prosecuted for premeditated homicide by Eratosthenes' relatives. The present speech, our sole source of information concerning the case, was written for the defendant, partially or totally, by a professional speechwriter, presumably Lysias. In this speech Euphiletus admits killing Eratosthenes. He pleads, however, that, since he killed Eratosthenes after catching him in the act of adultery with his own wife, this was a case of (...)
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    The need for “gentle medicine” in a post Covid-19 world.Gabriel Andrade & Maria Campo Redondo - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):475-486.
    As it has historically been the case with many pandemics, the Covid-19 experience will induce many philosophers to reconsider the value of medical practice. This should be a good opportunity to critically scrutinize the way medical research and medical interventions are carried out. For much of its history, medicine has been very inefficient. But, even in its contemporary forms, a review of common protocols in medical research and medical interventions reveal many shortcomings, especially related to methodological flaws, and more importantly, (...)
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  48. Présence et immortalité.Gabriel Marcel - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (3):387-388.
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  49. The semantics of propositions.Gabriel Nuchelmans - 1982 - In Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny & Jan Pinborg (eds.), Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 197--210.
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  50. Ignorance of meaning.Gabriel Segal - 2003 - In Alex Barber (ed.), Epistemology of language. New York: Oxford University Press.
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